Uterine Cancer Treatment in Utah

Uterine cancer, or cancer of the uterus (the womb) is the most common cancer of the female reproductive organs. Almost all cases start in the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium.

Symptoms of Uterine Cancer:

Uterine cancer symptoms vary from woman to woman. If you have gone through menopause, see your doctor if you have any vaginal bleeding, spotting or unusual discharge.

If you have not gone through menopause, see your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms for more than two weeks:

  • Unusual bleeding, such as between periods or heavier flow
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Pelvic pain or pressure
  • Weight loss

These symptoms do not always mean you have uterine cancer. However, it is important to discuss any symptoms with your doctor, since they may signal other health problems.

Uterine Cancer Treatment Options:

At Utah Cancer Specialists, your treatment for uterine cancer is customized just for you by some of the nation’s leading experts. They work in teams, collaborating at every step, to be sure you receive comprehensive, yet highly specialized care.

We personalize your care to include the most advanced treatments with the least impact on your body. For uterine cancer, surgery often is one of the main treatments.

If you are diagnosed with uterine cancer, your doctor will discuss the best options to treat it. This depends on several factors, including the type and stage of the cancer and your general health. One or more of the following therapies may be recommended to treat uterine cancer or help relieve symptoms.

  • Surgery is the main treatment for uterine cancer.
  • Pelvic washings The surgeon puts saline (salt water) into the pelvic area after the uterus has been removed. The saline is then examined under a microscope.
  • Tumor debulking If the cancer has spread into the abdomen, it may be debulked. This means the surgeon removes as much of the cancer as possible before other types of treatment.
  • Radiation therapy may be used to treat uterine cancer after a hysterectomy or as the main treatment when surgery is not possible.
  • Chemotherapy either locally (near the tumor) or systemically (throughout the body)
  • Hormone Therapy Some hormones can cause certain uterine cancers to grow. If tests show the cancer cells have receptors where hormones can attach, drugs can be used to reduce hormones or block them from working.